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Packages are too inflexible and don't provide competitive differentiation, but custom-built solutions are too slow [to develop] and costly. System integrators are starting to offer next-generation pre-built solutions. - Gartner Research


xSynthesis Consulting Services are characterized with high professionalism and understanding of teamwork is a main emphasis of the training program for all of our team members.


The Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable for Managers (and Their Employees) by Patrick M. Lencioni
Buy at Amazon (you can also see Exclusive video interview with Patrick Lencioni on The Three Signs of a Miserable Job).

True Professionalism: The Courage to Care About Your People, Your Clients, and Your Career by David H. Maister

Buy at Amazon

Professionalism as personal behavior

This a collection of professional behaviors that result in an individual who is professional in their interactions and work.

  1. Time Management
    Professionals are required to possess good time management skills and be able to track their own time via the use of simple status reports and timesheets. They have to be able to take good notes when talking to a customer and collecting requirements.
  2. Stress Management
    Every project has its own unique types and sources of stress. While we work hard to keep stress to low levels, it will come, and when it does, stress coping skills are invaluable.
  3. Free to choose, Ethically bound
    This is what Stephen Covey calls being "proactive" (habit #1) or having the ability to choose your response to a stimuli. Understanding what is your choice in various situations and where it is outside of your own domain of control or jurisdiction is very important.
  4. Enjoy Your Work
    Life is short and unless we enjoy our work, we will waste 33% (at least) of our time living on this planet Earth. It is that simple. Therefore, enjoying your work is key to being able to be a professional and interact well with others.
    For more, see "The Three Signs of Miserable Job" book to the left.
  5. Basic economics, business, intellectual property knowledge
    Without basic economic and business skills, it is very difficult to work as a professional in business. One can learn the basics of economics and business via school or simply working, but they are key to understand.

Some resources you may find helpful on these subjects are:

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