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Packages are too inflexible and don't provide competitive differentiation, but custom-built solutions are too slow [to develop] and costly. System integrators are starting to offer next-generation pre-built solutions. - Gartner Research

 Did you know?

xSynthesis Search includes features often found only in enterprise search packages, at the cost and ease of use of entry-level search engines. Use it for your publicly accessible e-commerce, membership, or marketing web site, your protected members-only content, or your intranet. 


 Troubleshooting Tips

For troubleshooting and configuration tips, see these free resources:






1. Problem:  When I tried to do Windows Update, the system reported the error "Windows update can not currently check for updates, because the service is not currently running , try restarting your computer."

Solution: Delete the corrupted file: c:\windows\softwaredistribution\datastore\logs\edb.log and then reboot. (from Microsoft)


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