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xSynthesis Search includes features often found only in enterprise search packages, at the cost and ease of use of entry-level search engines. Use it for your publicly accessible e-commerce, membership, or marketing web site, your protected members-only content, or your intranet.
Do you want to focus more of your attention on your core
competencies and serving the needs of your customers, members or
supporters without having to deal with maintaining the
technology yourself?
xSynthesis Hosting allow you to take full advantage of our
products while we host your business applications for you.
If you are just getting started with a Web Presence, we have a
web design and hosting plan that allows you to
quickly and easily update your own content. With low start up
costs and building blocks flexibility, they can get you running
very soon.
Please note that you have to be pre-approved to use our hosting services,
by using our web design services or using our applications. Contact us to see
if you would qualify. Also, you can read more about our web hosting features
Our Business Applications can be implemented on your existing systems, too. See our products section and the available products listed.
Want to know more? today for a free
consultation and technology needs assessment.