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xSynthesis Membership can enable you to manage your users and their group affiliations, as well as enforce various permissions on your web site, all within an easy to use web interface.
xSynthesis Content Management System (CMS) enables you to manage your web site content easily, all within your web browser. Create templates and publish content to them easily. Enable people to have different publishing permissions, via the built-in integration with xSynthesis Membership.
If you have custom needs, you will find xSynthesis Search very easy to customize via HTML, ASP.NET, and SQL.
In contrast, traditional CMS solutions are often hard to configure and integrate into your existing systems, use proprietary data storage that does not allow for easy access or manipulation of the data. Their access mechanism is often a custom API based on COM or Java, and it can be slow, particularly when used in web based environments.
Want to know more? today for a free consultation and technology needs assessment.